UNISON Northamptonshire County Branch


Why and how to join UNISON

What's happening in the branch

Where to get help

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Welcome to Unison Northants


Last updated Monday April 21st

Welcome to our branch website. UNISON represents over 4,700 staff in the County. These members work for Northants County Council, in the private sector and for registered charities. We negotiate for better pay and conditions, help individuals in trouble and campaign for a safer, fairer society.

Privatisation update!

Despite the County Councils wish to move to an ever larger privatisation, UNISON will continue to lead the campaign for better services and the protection of our member’s rights. Keep an eye out for the latest edition of newsletter The Emperors New Clothes, due out week commencing April 21st.

New Stewards Training

This year we have enough new stewards to be able to organise our own training sessions especially for our Branch members. If you have been recently elected as a steward then the Branch office will be in touch shortly with details. If you are not a steward but still need training then please contact Brian Smith, Branch Education Co-ordinator, or the Branch Office on 01604 630087.

52 Week Campaign

Teaching assistants are preparing to launch a major campaign to achieve 52 weeks pay for support staff. This follows success by UNISON members in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire with similar campaigns. For more information see What’s on.

Help Wanted

Northants County Branch is very lucky we have all our Branch Officers posts filled, but extra help is always welcome. UNISON can always use more stewards, health and safety reps and learning reps in every workplace. We even need members willing to receive and distribute newsletters to members in their workplace. If you want to get involved contact the branch office on 01604 630087. If you want to see who will be running the branch on your behalf this year or who your local steward is please click here.

Next Branch Committee Meeting: May 8th 2003, 2pm.
Details will appear here from May 1st
For further information contact the Branch Office.

UNISON Northamptonshire County Branch 01604 630087


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