What’s on
happening in your branch…
Teaching Support Call For 52 Weeks Pay
UNISON representatives from across the county have called for teaching
support staff to join their teacher
colleagues and be paid for 52 weeks of the year. Stewards from schools in Northampton, Wellingborough and South Northants met recently to discuss
various issues and the lack of parity with teachers came top of the agenda.
They agreed to launch a long term campaign with the aim of achieving 52 weeks
of pay for all classroom staff.
Julie Beck, UNISON Branch Education
Convenor, said, “Teachers rely on their support staff every single day.
Despite our crucial role, when it comes to pay, we are
treated as second class citizens.” She went on to add, “Schools
are happy to pay their teachers for 52 weeks a year, but many support staff,
who spend just as much time in the classroom,
are only paid for 39 or 40 weeks of the year.”
These views where supported by UNISON stewards with similar
experiences. Jeanette Long, a UNISON Lower School steward said,
“Teachers and Heads always tell us how they could not cope without the
support staff. That is very easy to say, but it’s time to put some
money where their mouths are.” Asked about being paid for 52 weeks she said, “We are worth it!”
Local representatives where joined at the meeting by Pam Shepherd,
UNISON Regional Organiser. Pam brought news of similar and successful campaigns in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. She
said, “Schools across the East Midlands are
waking up to the fact that they need to recruit and retain more teaching
assistants. Both Nott's and Lincs have improved pay
and conditions in recent times. It is now Northamptonshire’s
turn.” She added, “ Both of those campaigns relied upon the staff
themselves taking the initiative. Only by making the case loud and clear will
schools and the Local Education Authority sit up and take notice.”
UNISON education stewards and Branch Officers will now prepare a detailed
proposal for the 52
Week Campaign.
If you want to join UNISON, become a workplace rep or need more information on getting
involved, then contact Jeanette Long on 01604 661011 or 470769.
campaign for real investment in local public services
Under funding
continues to be a major problem for the public sector. Nowadays another
problem is the use of public funds for private profit. The most efficient use
of our taxes is keeping that money in the public sector, not boosting failing
companies profit margins. UNISON’s positively public campaign will
continue to major part of the union locally and nationally.
In the coming weeks we will be publishing
further information on the website. This will include health and safety
updates, dates of future meetings that members can attend, training
information and plans for social events.
If you have an issue that you think other
members should hear about let us know. Contact the branch Communications
Officer, Nathan Birch, on 01604 499381(W), 01604 470769(H) or e-mail any
articles/info to:nathanunison@hotmail.com
The Past
12Months, The Next 12 Months
The past 12 months have seen your UNISON
branch involved in major campaigns, including:
- National Pay Dispute & one day strike
- Better pay deal for staff at University College
- Stopping any reduction in employee rights at WS
- Fight against privatisation of County Council
- Campaigning for holiday pay for casual staff
UNISON Branch and Regional officers have
also taken on dozens of individual cases for members during the past year.
2003 will see UNISON Northants continue
this work and look at other areas of concern to members.
- Secure the best terms & conditions for County
Council staff transferred to Hyder Business Services
- Support members with all types of work related
- Improve links with local organisations to benefit
- Increase awareness and profile of UNISON in
UNISON Northants County Branch 01604 630087